Dimmu Borgir kitaristi paljastaa yhtyeellä olevan vain vähän materiaalia seuraavaa albumiaan varten

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.9.2014

Dimmu Borgir 2014Norjalaisen black metallia soittavan Dimmu Borgirin kitaristi Silenoz on antanut hiljattain haastattelun Metal Hammer Magazine Show:lle, jossa mies paljastaa yhtyeen olevan tällä hetkellä varsin hidas uuden albumin kirjoittamisen suhteen. Yhtyeen seuraavan albuminhan oli alunperin tarkoitus tulla ulos jo syksyllä 2014 mutta asiat sen suhteen tuntuvat olevan vieläkin jäissä. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Silenozin vastaus häneltä asiasta kysyttäessä.

”I wish I can tell you more, not out of secrecy, but we don’t really have much material written, finished, but we have a lot of stuff just laying around that we just need to compile and put together,” he said.

”Putting material together for us has never really been a huge problem, because the main core of the writing guys are three, three of us that [are] in the band [Silenoz, guitarist Galder and vocalist Shagrath], and we also have help from, obviously, the rest of the band that we play with live. So I think that the team that has been for the last five years or so now, it’s been the best working team both on and off stage, and I would like to use that into the next album, to recreate the great feeling that we have now. So coming up with enough material is never a problem. The problem really is… or the challenge, I would say, is to try and take away, or shave off, what we shouldn’t use. So, yeah, hopefully we can have more stuff written in the fall now, and I’m looking forward to that.”

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