Disturbed - Rockfest 2019.

Disturbedin David Draiman: ”Freddie Mercury oli paras keulamies, jonka maailma on koskaan nähnyt”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 13.6.2019
Disturbed – Rockfest 2019.

Suomessa Rockfestissä vierailleen yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Disturbedin laulaja David Draiman on antanut hiljattain Planet Rockille haastattelun, jossa hän on kertonut omista musiikillisista vaikuttajistaan laulajien osalta. David Draiman paljastaa ottaneensa mallia laulutyyliinsä Judas Priestin Rob Halfordilta ja Ronnie James Diolta mutta nimeää silti rockin historian parhaimmaksi keulakuvaksi Queenin Freddie Mercuryn. Haastattelussa David kertoo omista vaikutteistaan laulajana näon:

”I tried to approach how I do what I do the same way that I feel that the great vocalists of all time would have approached it, whether it’s [Rob] Halford or [Ronnie James] Dio. I try to be as pure and as direct and as resonant as I possibly can within my own respective abilities. Not that I’m anywhere close to either one of those two — they’re human freaks of nature. May one of them rest in peace and may the other stay with us for many, many years to come. Between the two of them in particular, you’re talking about two of the greatest voices of all time. Certainly not to not include what, in my opinion, was one of the greatest vocalists to ever sing, but the greatest frontman that the world has ever seen, Freddie Mercury. His range, his charisma, his presence — everything about him — just the quintessential frontman.”

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