Disturbedin David Draiman myöntää olleensa pilvessä kirjoittaessaan ”Evolution” albumia

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.11.2018

Disturbed-yhtyeen keulahahmo David Draiman kertoi vuonna 2015 olleensa pilvessä lähes aina kirjoittaessaan kappaleita. Kolme vuotta myöhemmin asia ei ole muuttunut. Draiman kertoi seuraavasti ”Evolution”-albumin valmistumisesta:

“That’s still true. [High] as a kite. Higher than giraffe’s ass… I’m all about indica to be honest. The heavier, the danker, the more potent the better. And when you are improvising there’s something beautiful cannabis just does for you in terms of that wonderful THC high that it just enables you to relax and open up your mind. And it enables me to find the gaps, so to speak, to think of note progressions that I wouldn’t have normally thought.

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People have always utilized—whether its marijuana or other drugs, mine will always stay marijuana, I don’t really mess with anything else—for inspiration and it’s an amazing tool. It also has other side benefits, anti-inflammatory benefits all that kind of stuff, it helps keep my blood pressure down. So, I’m a big fan and I’m a big supporter and investor…”


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