Disturbedin kitaristi hehkuttaa bändin pitämää taukoa: ”Se sai meihin uutta energiaa”
Yhdsyvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Disturbedin kitaristi Dan Donegan on antanut hiljattain The Times-Tribunelle haastattelun, jossa on kertonut yhtyeen pitämän tauon olleen bändin uran kannalta loistava päätös. Doneganin mukaan vuosina 2012-2014 pidetty tauko sai yhtyeeseen uutta energiaa ja intoa taas tehdä musiikkia ja soittaa keikkoja. Voit lukea Doneganin ajatuksia tauosta tästä:
”The rush from the fans is something we’ve definitely missed on the hiatus,” he said. ”The hiatus was an amazing thing for us to do. If anything, it injected this new life into us after being away from each other and it made us miss what we have together. We come back firing on all cylinders.”
”We were going to hard for so many years. It was 11 or 12 years of go, go, go. We’d been climbing that mountain and a lot of people thought we were crazy to walk away from that. [But] the fans got a little rest from it, and it made them miss us more, and we missed each other more. Creatively, it allowed us to become better musicians [by collaborating] with other players outside of DISTURBED. When we returned, we all brought something additional to the table.”
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