Disturbedin vokalisti kyllästyi sosiaaliseen mediaan; poisti oman Twitter-tilinsä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 26.6.2015

Disturbed 2015Uutisoimme sivustolla hiljattain yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Disturbedin paluusta. Yhtyeen vokalisti David Drainman on tunnettu kovana sosiaalisen median käyttäjänä mutta nyt mies on saanut siitä viimeisen pisaran ja samalla poisti kokonaan itselleen kuuluneen Twitter-tilin. David Drainman on kommentoinut hiljattain 93X -nimiselle radiokanavalle Minnesotassa twitterinsä deletoimista seuraavasti:

”I’m done with social media, personally. And it had nothing to do with the [upcoming release of the new DISTURBED] record. It happened to be coincidental, but it had nothing to do with the record.”

”Social media has become a playground for trolls, a playground for these people who prey on one another. You can’t get anything decent done on there anymore; you just open yourself up to constant attack. And I’m just done with it. I’m done with it. I hope that the couple of years of my being as involved in it as I was meant something to people. I hope that they gleaned something from it, or took something away from it, or at least were entertained or something, because, now, I’m becoming a recluse.”

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”At the end of the day, what people want from me is to get up there on that stage and make them feel powerful and give them a release for an hour and a half or two hours every once in a while. And if I’m still able to do that, hopefully I’m still making people happy.”

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