Divine Heresyn entinen laulaja Travis Neal perusti GoFundMe-keräyksen kattaakseen syöpähoitojensa kuluja
Divine Heresyn entinen vokalisti Travis Neal on perustanut GoFundMe-keräyksen selvitäkseen syöpähoitojensa suurista lääkärikuluista.
Divine Heresyn lisäksi Nealilla on muitakin projekteja, hän on muun muassa äänittänyt hiljattain Dark Shiftin kanssa ja työstänyt sooloprojektiaan Black Sky Ashesia.
Neal on luvannut keräykseen osallistuneille uutta musiikkia. Hänen uusi levynsä on pian valmis ja Neal aikoo jakaa sen lahjoittaneiden kanssa.
GoFundMe-keräyksessään Travis Neal kommentoi:
Hello friends and family,
thank you for taking the time to view this.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyI have battled this throughout my entire treatment because I have a really hard time asking for help. Unfortunately after all the surgeries and chemotherapy as well the upcoming port removal surgery and scans, visits, etc. , I have been left with a huge out of pocket cost so far and I’m trying to keep a float. So as much as it pains me to ask for help, I’m left with no option but to swallow my pride and ask for help.
I would like to give back to all who donate. The only thing I can offer is my music. I have full record I’m currently a few songs away from finishing and I would like to give you all a copy that donate. Plus any upcoming solo releases. If I can get physical copies then I will gladly sign them and address it to each one of you individually and send it off. Either way I feel that thanks is a must and that is how I will say thank you.
Thank you all again for all the love a support you have given me through all of this. It has honestly kept me going and has put a healing smile on my face in the hardest times.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyThe funds will be used for all hospital expenses that have incurred and all future expenses.
Nealin GoFundMe-keräyksen löydät täältä: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-travis-neal-with-hospital-costs-associated-with-cancer