DJ Ashba ”Guns N’ Rosesista lähteminen oli elämäni vaikein päätös”

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 18.5.2016

DJ Ashba 2016Ennen Guns N’ Rosesissa soittanut ja nykyään Sixx A.M.-yhtyeessä vaikuttava kitaristi DJ Ashba kertoo hiljattain Music Radarille antamassaan haastattelussa päätöksen lähteä Guns N’ Rosesista kuuden vuoden jälkeen olleen elämänsä vaikein. Mies kertoo:

”Walking away from GN’R was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make in my life. I loved sharing the stage with Axl [Rose] and the guys. Axl put together such an incredible bunch of musicians, and I was proud to be part of that.

”I’ll always be thankful for Axl believing in me. But it’s not my band and it never will be. I was performing songs written before I got there. I had a blast doing it, and I will cherish it. But we did a 19-day sold-out run on the Sixx A.M. Modern Vintage tour and it was that tour of playing my own songs — songs that came from my soul — and seeing how they connected to the fanbase, I could not put that feeling into words, and I realized that I needed to follow my heart.”

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