Don Dokken paljastaa Mikkey Deen saaneen koronavirustartunnan Australiassa: ”Hän vain makasi lattialla todella kipeänä ja laihtui 17 kiloa”
Yhdysvaltalainen rockyhtye Dokken aikoo soittaa tässä kuussa muutaman striimikeikan tuuraavan kitaristin kanssa. Bändin pitkäaikainen kitaristi Jon Levin jää pois keikoilta koronaviruspelon vuoksi, ja hänen tilallaan nähdään Reb Beach (Winger, Whitesnake). Yhtyeen laulaja Don Dokken on antanut striimikeikkoihin liittyen haastattelun Songfactsille, jossa on paljastanut olleensa yhteydessä Scorpionsin riveissä nykyisin soittavaan Mikkey Deehin. Mikkey oli kertonut saaneensa koronavirustartunnan vaimonsa kanssa heidän ollessaan Australiassa. Hän kertoi Donille, että hän oli ollut viruksesta todella kipeä, ja laihtunut sen seurauksena 17 kiloa (35 paunaa). Don avasi keskusteluaan Mikkey Deen kanssa seuraavasti:
”I talked to Mikkey Dee from the Scorpions the other night, and he and his wife got COVID in Australia. They were in the middle of nowhere and got it. He called me up and he said, ’I’ll tell you, Don, you don’t want to get it. I was on the floor.’ He lost 35 pounds. He was sick as a dog. He was in a hospital. He was really in bad shape. He said, ’I don’t know how I got it.’ Because they had social distancing big-time in Australia.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”So, I’m taking a risk doing these shows. I know that. But what are you going to do? My girlfriend makes me put the gloves on, the mask on, the spray — we constantly spray our hands. I try not to wipe my mouth. I’ll go to Home Depot and buy supplies for the house, but mostly I’m just staying home. So, she’s not happy about me going on a plane. I have five or six plane flights in two days, so that’s pretty high chances.
”My son is a pilot, and I talked to him — he flies for JetBlue. My son flies an A300. He’s young to be a captain — he’s only 33. I said, ’What’s going on with the flying?’ And he said, ’They’re just going to try and space people out.’ But it’s kind of a joke, because he told me all the air in an airplane is just recirculated. They just send it to the scrubbers — to the engine filters — and they send it right back to the cockpit. So, all this ’20 feet away, 10 feet away,’ it’s all kind of bullshit.
”But I’ve got to go out and work. I want to play.”
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