Doom metalia Torniosta: Ordogin uusi albumi kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan
Torniolaislähtöinen doom metal-yhtye Ordog julkaisi eilen viidennen kokopitkänsä ”The Grand Wall”, joka on nyt kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan alempaa. 500 kappaleen numeroituna painoksena ilmestynyt albumi tehtiin yhteistyössä MFL-Recordsin, Solitude Productionsin ja Frozen Lightin kanssa. Yhtyeen jäsenet kommentoivat ”The Grand Wallia” seuraavasti:
“The lyrics in this album vary more than in any of our albums before. The lyrics move more between philosophical aspects, introspection, and how we reflect to sudden loss in life. Of course the more traditional lyrical themes are there, like sorrow and pessimism — in a methaphorical way. But the listener can find and interpret their own meanings from the lyrics we created.” — Vokalisti Aleksi Martikainen
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“The creation process was very different now that we had finally formed from a trio to a full band; this affected greatly upon the general mood and gave a new kind of depth to the songs. Personally I am very pleased with the outcome and think that we succeeded to create the best album as of yet.” — Kosketinsoittaja Jussi Harju
“Soundwise this is a very powerful record and there’s some new musical elements blended in. I think this album is more aggressive compared to our previous ones, but there’s still the melancholy which goes hand in hand with the aggression. There’s a grand wall standing on your way.” — Kitaristi-vokalisti Valtteri Isometsä
“I’m very satisfied with the upcoming album. I don’t want to take any pressure whether it will succeed or not. Anyhow, we have made a great record and I think that’s the most important thing that we all can underline.” — Basisti Olli-Pekka Rissanen
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