Doro hakee joukkorahoitusta uudelle musiikkivideolleen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 25.10.2015

doro-2015Maailman tunnetuimpiin naispuolisiin heavylaulajiin lukeutuva saksalainen Doro Pesch on aloittanut Kickstarter-joukkorahoituskampajan bändinsä uuden ”Love’s Gone To Hell” -musiikkivideon tuottamiseen. Voit lukea pitkän uran tehneen bändin viestin aiheeseen liittyen täältä.

Bändin suunnitelmissa on tehdä ”Love’s Gone To Hell” -kappaleesta laadukas video:

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”Dear friends, fans & supporters,

While creating new music for our next release, we hit on something that immediately had a very, very special vibe to it and sparked our imagination plus an amazing story. The title of this special song is ’Love’s Gone To Hell’. We believe that this song carries a tremendous magic and that it immediately draws you in and gives you chills … It is our dream to bring this wonderful song to life in the form of a beautiful, fantastic music video, and it is our goal to create this high quality vision together with you! For your support and contributions, there are many special and one of a kind rewards to be had. A unique payback in the form of small to very large rewards can be expected in return for your pledge and support. We would be so happy to do this project together with you and realise an amazing high class, high quality music video for this magical, very special song: ’Love’s Gone To Hell’.

Thank you so much for all your support and belief for all these years. Keep on rocking everybody!

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Let’s rule the ruins! Für immer With love and gratitude,

The DORO band

Voit tutustua Kickstarter-kampanjaan täällä.

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