Dragonland asetti albumin nimen ja julkaisupäivän

Kirjoittanut Niko Kuusela - 27.9.2011

Ruotsalainen power metal -yhtye Dragonland julkaisee uuden ”Under The Grey Banner” albuminsa marraskuun 18. päivä AFM Recordsin kautta, mikä kuuluu kolmantena osana yhtyeen Dragonland Chronicles -trilogiaan. Lue lisää nähdäksesi kitaristi Olof Mörckin kommentit asiasta.

”To say I am excited about this album is a grave understatement!

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”We were more than thrilled when both Damian Bajwoski and Fred Johanson accepted to contribute to this album. To have the album fully illustrated with majestic scenes and vistas from the story, and to have such a powerful and convincing voice in the role of the antagonist will lend a lot of credibility and depth to the final project! Our singer friends from AMARANTHE also appear in minor roles, further developing the universe the story is set in.

”We really feel that our ambition to give our fantasy story a touch of depth, credibility and maturity paid off well! Lending influences from classical mythology, the best fantasy movies, video games and books, we feel that fans of the style who normally finds fantasy power metal to be too over the top and ridiculous could wholeheartedly enjoy this. We also have some further surprises for you before the actual album release, to keep your eyes open and your senses wary!”

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