Sons Of Apollo

Dream Theaterin entisiltä jäseniltä Mike Portnoylta ja Derek Sherinianilta uusi yhtye nimeltä Sons Of Apollo: debyyttialbumi luvassa lokakuussa

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 1.8.2017
Sons Of Apollo

Progressiivista metallia soittavan Dream Theaterin entiset jäsenet Mike Portnoy ja Derek Sherinian ovat perustaneet uuden yhtyeen nimeltä Sons Of Apollo, jossa vaikuttavat heidän lisäkseen Ron ”Bumblefoot” Thal (ex-Guns N’ Roses), Billy Sheehan (The Winery Dogs, Mr. Big, David Lee Roth) sekä Jeff Scott Soto (ex-Journey, ex-Yngwie Malmsteen’s Rising Force).

Yhtye on solminut sopimuksen InsideOutMusicin sekä Sony Musicin kanssa ja aikoo julkaista ”Psychotic Symphony” -nimisen debyyttialbuminsa lokakuun 20. päivä. InsideOutMusic on julkaissut albumista lyhyen teaserin Youtube-kanavallaan:

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Levyn yhdessä Sherinianin kanssa tuottanut Portnoy kertoo uuden projektin synnystä:

“Derek and I reunited shortly after I left Dream Theater in 2010 and we put together an all-instrumental touring band with he and I, Billy Sheehan, and Tony MacAlpine. That was my first time working with Derek since the ‘90s when he was in Dream Theater and it was just great to be working with him again. Ever since that tour, which was really just a one-off live thing, he has been nudging me to start a real, original, full-time band. The timing just had never been right, because I had too many other things on my plate. Long story short, the time was finally right to take the bait and put together a band.”

Sherinian lisää:

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“Mike and I work at a relentless pace in the studio.”

“The music is modern, but we have an old school soul. What is unique about SONS OF APOLLO is that we have true rock n’ roll swagger along with the virtuosity– a lethal combination!”

Portnoy kertoo yhtyeen nimen merkityksestä:

“Derek was mainly the one behind the name.”

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“I have a list that I keep on my phone of about a hundred different band names, which I constantly have to refer to every time I have a new band every year (laughs). So, I pulled up the list and Apollo was one of the names on the list. It was a word that both of us really liked. We started fiddling with different variations of the word. One of the original band names we were working with was Apollo Creed, the character from the ‘Rocky’ movies, but after lots of different discussions on different variations, Derek suggested SONS OF APOLLO and it seemed to stick. Apollo is the God of Music so with that in mind it seemed like a fitting name.”

Sons Of Apollo suuntaa ensi vuonna uransa ensimmäiselle maailmankiertueelle. Portnoy ja Sherinian kommentoivat aihetta:


“This is a real band.”

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“This is going to pick up for me and Billy where The Winery Dogs left off, in terms of this being the next logical full-time thing for us. I’m not saying The Winery Dogs have broken up, because we haven’t, we’re just on a break. SONS OF APOLLO is absolutely going to be a full-time band and we plan on touring all over the world all throughout 2018 and, honestly, it is the priority for all five of us.”


“We will go on a worldwide crusade in 2018 to bring SONS OF APOLLO to as many people as possible. Apollo was the God of Music, and we are his mighty offspring!”

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