Dream Theaterin James LaBrie kertoo Mike Portnoyn olevan jälleen vastuussa settilistoista – ”Hän on tehnyt hyvää työtä”

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 19.6.2024

Dream Theaterin laulaja James LaBrie kertoi brasilialaisen musiikijournalisti Igor Mirandan haastattelussa yhtyeen tulevasta 40-vuotiskiertueesta. Rumpali Mike Portnoy palasi yhtyeeseen viime lokakuussa kolmentoista vuoden tauon jälkeen ja on nyt LaBrien mukaan jälleen vastuussa settilistan kokoamisesta.
Kysyttäessä, onko settilistoista jo ollut puhetta, LaBrie kertoi:

”Well, absolutely. And just so you know, we let Mike Portnoy take over the setlist again. So he’s back to creating the setlist and he’s doing, like we were almost positive he would, he’s done a terrific job. I mean, the setlist he put together… And the thing is with Mike, he was saying, ’Hey, guys, if there’s a song you don’t wanna do, let me know. If there’s songs that you really wanna do, let me know.’ And so there’s some very strong and cool communication going on. But yeah, he’s glad to be putting the setlist together.”

”I can’t reveal what the setlist will be, but I can tell you that it’s amazing. And I can’t imagine any fan walking out of the venue and going, ’Oh, shit, man, I wanted them to play this’ or ’I wanted them to play that.’ This setlist really touches on so many grandiose moments in the band, so it’s really like a power-punch setlist, and it’s really gonna be exciting to see the fans and then to start hearing the conversations once we’re actually playing it live. But now we’re stoked. It’s gonna be a great, great evening, amazing production. And, yeah, it’s gonna be awesome.”

LaBrie kertoi myös yhtyeen kuudennentoista albumin äänityksien olevan parhaillaan käynnissä:

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”Right now, keyboards are being recorded, as you and I speak. So, yeah, it’s basically, record keyboards and then vocals. And then it has to be mixed and mastered and all that stuff. And then, obviously, the artwork and everything that goes along with any given new album, that also has to be put into the works, and it’s being discussed and so on and so forth. So, yeah, there’s a lot going on, and like any given album when you record it, there’s a process. And, yeah, it’s moving along and it’s coming along amazingly. So, we’re pretty stoked.”

Tulevan albumin materiaalista LaBrie ei paljastanut toistaiseksi muuta, kuin yhtyeen olevan erittäin tyytyväinen siihen:

”You know what? I would really like to save that for when we start interviewing for the new album. I’ll just tell you this: I’ll say, quite simply, we couldn’t be happier with where it is because it’s the album that we wanted to write. It’s the album that we wanted to create, and we nailed it. It’s everything that we wanted to achieve and more. So, what can I tell you? We’re ecstatic. We’re so, so happy about it. And that’s really the best place to be. When you’re creating something like a reunion album, you want it to be absolutely incredible. So we’re stoked. Absolutely.”

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