Drowning Poolin entinen laulaja Ryan McCombs tekee paluun yhtyeeseen
Yhdysvaltalainen hard rock -yhtye Drowning Pool on julkaissut tiedotteen, jonka mukaan yhtyeen riveissä vuosien 2004-2011 välisen ajan laulanut Ryan McCombs tekee paluun yhtyeeseen. Ryan McCombs kommentoi paluutaan seuraavasti:
“When I stepped away from music back in 2004, I only got back into the mix because it was with [Drowning Pool members] C.J., Stephen and Mike, and because it was also a way for me to be a small part of keeping their music with Dave [late Drowning Pool vocalist Dave Williams] alive.
Just being back in the same room together after so many years, gearing up for these shows, was a quick reminder as to why I considered them to be my best friends in the business back in the day. As everyone living life can attest to, sometimes our days can get messy – but in the words of one Dave Williams, ‘Everything happens for reasons, I just don’t know…’ Some of the greatest moments in my career came about as a member of DP and I’m really thankful for the opportunity to perform with them once again.”
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Drowning Poolin rumpali Mike Luce kommentoi Ryanin paluuta yhtyeeseen seuraavasti:
“I’m very happy that SOiL and Drowning Pool are in a spot now where we not only co-exist, but are close enough as friends to move forward together. We support and respect each other enough for us to make sure they can keep doing what they do, and for them to allow us to revisit a bunch of these cool tunes we played a decade-plus ago, with the singer who we viewed as the archetype after Dave passed. We can’t wait to get onstage together again and see where this leads.”
Drowning Poolin kitaristi C.J. Pierce kommentoi Ryan McCombsin paluuta seuraavasti:
“It’s exciting as hell having Ryan McCombs rocking out with us again. It’s been 13 years since the last time we were in a rehearsal room together, and from the second we hit that first note it was like we never skipped a beat. I’ve never felt such a connection as musicians, true friends and family as I do with Mike, Stevie and Ryan. I can’t wait to share the stage together again.”
Drowning Poolin basisti Stevie Benton lisää:
“Never say never. It’s hard to believe it’s been over 10 years since we shared a stage with Ryan. I think, deep down, we always knew this reunion would happen.”