Edesmenneen Power Trip -laulajan Riley Galen kunniaksi avattiin oma kirjasto Dallasissa
Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metal -yhtye Power Tripin laulaja Riley Gale menehtyi elokuussa vielä toistaiseksi vahvistamattoman syyn vuoksi ainoastaan 35 vuoden ikäisenä. Gale oli musiikkipiireissä erittäin pidetty, ja hän teki paljon myös vapaaehtoistyötä kotikaupungissaan Dallasissa Teksasin osavaltiossa.
Dallas Hope Center on nyt päättänyt kunnioittaa laulajan poismenoa nimeämällä joulukuussa 2020 avattavan kirjaston laulajan mukaisesti Riley Gale Libraryksi. Voit lukea Dallas Hope Centerin julkaiseman tiedotteen aiheesta tästä:
”To honor our friend Riley, we wanted to contribute to a cause that he was passionate about. Dallas Hope Charities was an important organization to Riley. Dallas Hope Charities provides care for those in need throughout the Dallas community. By collaborating and hosting several programs, Dallas Hope Charities provides food, shelter, and services that instill dignity, stability, and hope for all. The Dallas Hope Center is the city’s only LGBTQ-focused Homeless Youth Transitional Living Center and extension program. By helping provide inclusive spaces for at-risk, homeless LGBTQ youth (18 to 24), the Dallas Hope Center hopes to change the lives of those who experience high rates of conduct disorder, post-traumatic stress, and suicidal behavior.
Our goal is to provide the Dallas Hope Center residents a full library by December 2020. A place that each resident can go to access a variety of books, request books they are interested in that we will provide, and socialize with one another. Riley Gale shared his love of reading with many of his friends, which is what led to the development of the Riley Gale Memorial Library.
Please consider providing donations to us so that we can reach our goal of this library being ready before December 2020. Please consider donating gently used or new books to fill our library. We plan to give residents the ability to request specific books as they wish, and we will post those requests throughout our social media pages for anyone wanting to contribute.
Our contact information is below, please email us if you would like to provide any type of donation or if you would like our direct phone number. Thank you!”
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