Edesmenneen Slayer kitaristin vaimo muistelee miestään

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.6.2013

SlayerYhdysvaltalaisen thrash metallia soittavan Slayerin hiljattain kuolleen kitaristin Jeff Hannemanin vaimo Kathryn on kertonut Guitar World -lehdelle muistojaan Jeffiin liittyen, kun hämähäkki puri häntä vaarallisesti vuonna 2011. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Kathrynin viesti asiaan liittyen. 

“I couldn’t get Jeff to go to rehab or therapy. I think he was letting the visual of his arm get to his emotions, and it was messing with his mind. It was hard to keep him upbeat at that point. I think he thought he could do this on his own—that he would just to go rehearsal and play, and that that would be his rehab. But I think he started to learn, once he tried rehearsing, that he wasn’t playing up to his ability and that he wasn’t able to play guitar at the speed he was used to. And I think that really hit him hard, and he started to lose hope.”

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