Ei ole liian aikaista joululauluille: kuuntele Dee Sniderin ja Lzzy Halen veto ”The Magic of Christmas Day” -kappaleesta

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 14.11.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen rockmuusikko Dee Snider sekä rockyhtye Halestormin laulaja Lzzy Hale julkaisivat yhteisen versionsa ”The Magic of Christmas Day” -joululaulusta.

Dee Snider kertoi tehneensä version alun perin vaimolleen joululahjaksi, eikä hän ajatellut nauhoittaa sitä yleisölle. Laulaja alkoi pohtia julkaisemista, kun Celine Dion julkaisi joululevyn ”These Are Special Time”. Albumilla oli mukana kyseinen biisi, ja levystä tuli myyntimenestys. Sniderille ehdotettiin kappaleen nauhoittamista, ja hän tiesi, että halusi vahvan, nuoren laulajan rinnalleen.

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“Originally written and recorded as a Christmas gift for my wife Suzette with no plan for commercial release, years later ‘The Magic Of Christmas Day (God Bless Us Everyone)’ was discovered and recorded by Celine Dion for her holiday record ‘These Are Special Times’, which went on to become the biggest selling holiday album in history — and is the reason we refer to her as ‘Saint Celine’ in my house. When it was recently suggested that I should finally record this song myself, I knew I needed to bring in a young powerhouse vocalist to not only duet with me, but light a Yuletide fire under my ass! I only knew of one rock vocalist who could deliver on all those fronts, and she did in spades: the incredible Lzzy Hale of Halestorm!”

Lzzy Hale kertoi, että yhteistyö Dee Sniderin kanssa oli kunnia.

“If you’re ever in your life gonna go full-on, all-gas, no-brakes ‘Christmas Cheer,’ you do it Dee Snider-style. I was so honored to get the call from Dee on his holiday classic ‘The Magic Of Christmas Day’. After exchanging a few very affectionate ‘f@&k yous’ as we rediscovered our respect and admiration for each other’s talent, the final recording produced by the legendary Jeff Pilson is insanely epic. Thank you so much to everyone for having me. And considering we will ALL be experiencing a very different holiday season in 2020, I hope that this song brings you joy and puts a smile on your face. God bless us everyone!”

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