Elektronista rockia soittavalta Enter Shikarilta uusi kappale ”Stop The Clocks”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 13.8.2019

Englantilainen elektronista rockia soittava Enter Shikari on julkaissut YouTubessa uuden kappaleen nimeltä ”Stop The Clocks”. Kyseessä on ensimmäinen kappale, jonka bändi julkaisee So Recordingsin kautta ja voit kuunnella sen tästä:

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Stop The Clocks” on ensimmäinen uusi kappale bändiltä yli vuoteen. Yhtyeen keulakuva Rou Reynolds on kertonut biisistä seuraavaa:

“2018 was the first full year in Enter Shikari’s professional career in which we didn’t release any new music. We loved how ‘The Spark’ was connecting with people and wanted to give the album its rightful breathing space. but, not wanting to be dormant, we began a new track towards the end of the year. Anyone who has seen us live recently will have heard ‘Stop The Clocks’ – it’s an upbeat post-punk pop track about the joys of human connection. When someone is open and honest about their vulnerabilities, others can connect with them, and then all of us can feel stronger and more comfortable. It conveys the relief, warmth and freeing nature of the normalisation of mental health struggles, following decades of stigmatism. A flickering flame of positivity in these difficult and regressive times”

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