Emerson, Lake & Palmerin itsemurhan tehneen Keith Emersonin vaimo kertoo miehensä kärsineen masennuksesta
Uutisoimme sivustollamme viikonloppuna englantilaisen progressiivista rockia soittaneen Emerson, Lake & Palmerin kosketinsoittajan Keith Emersonin kuolemasta 71 vuoden ikäisenä. Emerson kärsi käden hermovauriosta ja edes leikkauksessa käyminen ei saanut kättä parempaan suuntaan. Miehen leskeksi jäänyt puoliso Mari Kawaguchi on antanut aiheesta lyhyen haastattelun Daily Mailille, jossa kertoo miehensä masentuneen pahasti huomattuaan ettei käden hermot tule koskaan enää toimimaan kunnolla. Voit lukea naisen mietteitä aiheesta tästä:
”His right hand and arm had given him problems for years. He had an operation a few years ago to take out a bad muscle but the pain and nerve issues in his right hand were getting worse.
”He had concerts coming up in Japan and even though they hired a back-up keyboard player to support him, Keith was worried.
”He read all the criticism online and was a sensitive soul. Last year he played concerts and people posted mean comments such as, ’I wish he would stop playing.’
”He was tormented with worry that he wouldn’t be good enough. He was planning to retire after Japan.
”He didn’t want to let down his fans. He was a perfectionist and the thought he wouldn’t play perfectly made him depressed, nervous and anxious.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”He was just natural. The music was always in his head, always. Even when he was sleeping, you know, I could tell he was always thinking about music. Sometimes he would wake up and compose music. And it was all so, so beautiful.”