Emmuren tuleva Euroopan-kiertue peruuntuu
Yhdysvaltalaisen deathcorea soittavan Emmuren alunperin helmikuulle kaavailtu Euroopan-kiertue joudutaan perumaan. Yhtye on julkaissut aiheeseen liittyen seuraavanlaisen päivityksen bändin viralliselle kotisivulle:
”To our European Supporters,
It is with our most sincere apologies that we will need to cancel the upcoming Torch The Earth tour. Upon the initial planning of this tour our goal was to return to Europe in 2017 pairing a new record with the tour. Unfortunately some unexpected delays have hindered our chances of releasing the record in this time frame.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyWe appreciate that our fans understand how important this release is to us, it is a record we have put so much effort into on every angle, and we feel we would be selling our fans and ourselves short if we compromised the overall release of it.
We promise to be back at a later time in 2017, and with a brand new record. Refunds will be available at point of purchase for all cancelled shows.”