Ennakkokuuntelu: EnfΔrce – Superhero Diaries – Part 1

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 22.4.2014

Enfarce Superhero Dieries 2014Kotimainen power metallia soittava EnfΔrce julkaisee uuden ”Superhero Diaries – Part 1” nimeä kantavan albuminsa huhtikuun 30. päivä. Kaaoszine yhteistyössä yhtyeen kanssa tarjoaa nyt lukijoilleen viikon ajan mahdollisuuden kuunnella kyseisen albumin kokonaisuudessaan sivustollaan. Lue lisää kuunnellaksesi kyseinen albumi.

Yhtyeen kitaristi Matias Vilko on kommentoinut albumin kappaleita seuraavasti:

Ch I – Anthem (00:48):
”A short introduction to the album. That’s it.”

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Ch II – I’m a Hero (04:20):
”The first single and the opening track of the album. A steady tempo with 145BPM. A blasting intro followed by a calm first verse leading to different sections of classic style melodies. Harmonized rhythm parts in the second half of the song and a middle section with a neo-classical lead arpeggios. The end is sudden. This song was originally called “Wasted Heroes” and it was over nine minutes long!”

Ch III – Gift of Prophecy (03:44):
”Fast we go! The tempo of this beast is a crushing 228 beats per minute. The main riff’s influenced by 70’s heavy metal bands. Another of the two songs with a usual ABABCB structure on the album. Mr. Fastfinger and Matias Kupiainen are featured on this song with their guitar shredding!”

Ch IV – Holding Out For A Hero (04:41):
”A classic from the 1980’s. The lyrics sat down with the album’s concept so well that we couldn’t resist doing a powermetalled version of this one!”

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Ch V – Unaware (04:51):
”Tighten up your leather pants and head up to the realms of real powermetal! Double bass drums all the way with catching melodies. The highlight of the song is Francesco Fareri’s totally insane shred guitar solo!”

Ch VI – Redeemer From The Stars (05:43):
”The longest song of the album with the length of 05:43. With a throughout tempo of 150 beats per minute, many different sections, harmonized lead guitars, dropped D-tuning, hair-metal choruses, fast double bass drums and so on, it’s one hell of a song. Mr. Steel Enforcer himself appears on the song with his gift of poetry reading!”

Ch VII – All Hope Is Lost (04:08):
”The first song that appeared with the superhero concept. And also the fastest one with a blazing 164BPM all the way! Progressive elements in verses, dual lead guitars and cool melody lines in vocals.”

Ch VIII – Dawn Damage (03:44):
”A relaxing shuffle song with bluesy elements in here. Played all the way with a seven string guitar so this one’s roaring! A slightly distorted hammond solo in the middle and the song speeds up to real superpower blues!”

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Ch IX – Delusions of Reality (03:45):
”This is a classic style song as well. A mid tempo of 120 beats per minute with silent parts, double bass drums and fast triplets. The song keeps growing and growing and after Ade’s excellent guitar solo there’s the grande finale with a modulation of the verse with machine-gun style playing!”

Ch X – Moment of Darkening (05:10):
”The realms of true powermetal revisited! A devastating tempo of 148BPM with bass drums all the way, a verse vocal melody that follows the guitar leads of the intro and a symphonic middle section. A fast guitar solo follows and we head to transposed second verse. After the second chorus the outro starts with The Final Countdown!”

Ch XI – Another Star Lights The Sky (04:08):
”The last song of the album’s got everything you need. An epic symphonic introduction followed by a vocals-and-piano-only part. Massive sounding verses grows this song in insane heights. The song
speeds up and the guitar solos by both Ade and Matias follows. Even more epic final verse is on it’s way and the end is coming. As said, the conclusion will end it all…”

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