Ennenkuulumattomia Dave Grohlin kirjoittamia Nirvana-kappaleita julki

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 22.6.2016

NirvanaSeitsemän ennen julkaisematonta rumpali Dave Grohlin kirjoittamaa Nirvana-kappaletta tuli julki, kun eräs fani osti alkuperäisen ääninauhan eBaysta ja jakoi julkaisun kappaleet yhtyeeseen liittyvällä foorumilla. ”The Pachyderm Sessions” -äänitteet nauhoitettiin helmikuun 15. päivä 1993, ja niiden joukossa on myös kaksi täysin ennenkuulumatonta kappaletta, jotka voit kuunnella alta. Alternative Nation kuvailee kappaleita seuraavasti:

”’Lullaby’ sounds like something you might hear in a SciFi alien movie. It’s driven by drum, bass, and a bizarre keyboard lead that sounds like demonic Doors. There’s a brief drum solo at the end, the song sounds like a total joke. ’Lullaby’ clocks in at 3:35.

”An untitled track featuring Dave Grohl playing all instruments is the other unreleased song, with a woman at the beginning saying: ’The one I didn’t play him.’ It opens with a blistering AC/DCesque guitar riff played at punk rock speed with frantic drumming. There are shades of Foo Fighters in the song, with heavy plodding riffs dropping in and out over the jangly lead riff. While it is just an instrumental, it sounds like it could have been a radio friendly sister song to ’Scentless Apprentice’ had Kurt Cobain decided to write lyrics and a melody over Grohl’s music. The track clocks in at 1:52.

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”Also included on the leak are alternate versions of ’Marigold’ and ’Dumb.’ One of the versions of ’Marigold’ just features the bass and drum tracks, another is an alternate instrumental take that doesn’t sound significantly different from the studio version. “Marigold” with cello performed by Kera Schaley sounds different, with different harmonization mixed in, and the cello giving the song an even more ominous feel.”

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyy

1 Dumb
2 Dumb (Instrumental)
3 Dave Solo
4 Marigold (Instrumental) * Kurt on Drums?
5 Marigold (Instrumental)
6 Marigold (With Cello)
7 Lullaby (Instrumental) * Kurt on Drums?
