Ensiferum julkaisi tulevan albuminsa kansitaiteen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.12.2014

Ensiferum One Man Army 2015Kotimainen folk metallia soittava Ensiferum on julkaissut kansitaiteen tulevasta ”One Man Army” -nimeä kantavasta albumistaan. Yhtye aikoo julkaista tulevan albuminsa helmikuun aikana Metal Blade Recordsin kautta. Albumin on tuottanut Anssi Kippo (Children Of Bodom, Impaled Nazarene, Entwine). Voit lukea yhtyeen vokalisti / basisti Sami Hinkan mietteitä albumin teosta tästä:

“Recording process was long, hard, rewarding and full of incredible moments. Instruments were actually played and left as they were instead of creating tracks from hundreds of different takes, moving them to the grid and modifying things. Of course computers were used but overall we made everything as analog as possible. Listeners can experience a better sound and natural groove, something that we think most metal albums lack these days. Overall, the album sounds much more like a band playing live rather than ‘midi-metal.’”

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