Enslaved studioon nauhoittamaan uutta albumiaan
Norjalainen progressiivisen äärimetallin veteraani Enslaved on siirtynyt studioon nauhoittamaan järjestyksessään 14. studioalbumiaan. Albumi on jatkoa 2015 ilmestyneelle hyvän vastaanoton saaneelle ”In Times” -levylle ja pääjehu Ivar Bjørnson on kertonut siitä seuraavaa:
”It is absolutely fantastic to be in the studio with these new songs.”
”So many doors were opened with ’In Times’ and the times that followed; for us as a band, for me as a composer and I guess for us all on a personal level. I have never worked this hard to put together music for an album before, and that intensity continues into the studio where everybody is giving their everything, every hour of every day. We are a tighter unit than ever before, which is obvious sonically. The concept conjured by myself and old war-brother Grutle is the strongest we have worked with. Finally, I am proud that we have taken more risks than ever before, and one in particular — and it is yielding awesome results. What does that mean? Stay tuned to find out!”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Enslavedin uuden albumin kansitaiteen suunnittelee Truls Espedal, jolla on pitkä historia yhtyeen kanssa. Levyn tarkat tiedot julkaistaan pian.