Entinen Bad Wolves -laulaja Tommy Vext haastaa yhtyeen managerin Allen Kovacin oikeuteen: vaatii tältä yli 10 miljoonan dollarin korvauksia savustamisestaan ulos yhtyeestä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.7.2021

Yhdysvaltalaisesta metalliyhtye Bad Wolvesista vuoden alussa erotettu laulaja Tommy Vext haastaa TMZ:n mukaan Better Noise Musicin toimitusjohtajan sekä yhtyeen managerina toimivan Allen Kovacin oikeuteen. Vextin oikeuteen jättämän syytteen mukaan Kovac savusti hänet ulos bändistä, koska Vext oli näkyvästi Donald Trumpin tukija. Lisäksi Vextin mukaan Kovac käytti useasti hänestä ”neekeri”-sanaa heidän välisissä keskusteluissaan. Sopimusrikkomuksista Vext vaatii Kovacilta korvauksia yli kymmenen miljoonan dollarin edestä.

Allen Kovac on julkaissut Vextin syytöksiin liittyen vastineen, jossa hän kiistää kaikki syytökset. Voit lukea sen tästä:

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyy

“I am disappointed to see these accusations from Tommy against me, 10th Street Management and Better Noise Music. They are categorically false. In 40 years in the music business, I have never made any derogatory racist comments, been accused of doing so, or been sued by an artist. Tommy Vext, a self-proclaimed QAnon supporter, has dragged us into a ridiculous, unfounded narrative that falsely paints him as a victim. Tommy quit Bad Wolves in January 2021 after being abusive to his band members, and he has since waged an all-out assault against the band and its members on social media. Behind the scenes, he and his team of lawyers have been trying to extort the band and the record company for a big payout. Because these tactics were not successful, he upped the ante and filed this bogus and spurious lawsuit to get leverage in contract negotiations. But this strategic ploy won’t work. We will not be extorted; and will defend and defeat these phony claims in court. As a management company and record label, we pride ourselves on working with artists from all different walks of life and encourage them to speak their minds creatively and authentically. I have never forced political beliefs or values on any of our artists or employees, but I also will not tolerate when people create a hostile environment. Bad Wolves has always been a collaborative effort between its members, its management and our label, and no single member is responsible for the creation of its art or its success. Putting this distraction aside, Bad Wolves is continuing to focus on its music and will release its best record yet in October with new lead singer Daniel ’DL’ Laskiewicz. I am very proud of the band.”