Entinen Black Sabbath -laulaja Tony Martin työstää uutta sooloalbumia

Kirjoittanut Jyri Kinnari - 14.6.2017

Heavy metal -pioneeri Black Sabbathin riveissä kaikkiaan viidellä albumilla laulanut Tony Martin on varmistanut työstävänsä uutta sooloalbumia. Hänen lisäkseen levynteossa ovat mukana rumpali Danny Needham ja kitaristi Scott McClellan. Alunperin albumin nimeksi oli tulossa ”Book of Shadows”, mutta kyseisen nimen ollessa käytössä muilla artisteilla, levyn tämänhetkinen työnimi on ”Thornz”. Albumilla tulee olemaan 10 kappaletta, jotka ovat pääosin Martinin ja McClellanin kirjoittamia. Martinin mukaan albumi tulee olemaan hänen aiempiaan raskaampi kitaristi McClellanin persoonallisesta kirjoitustyylistä johtuen. Albumi tulee todennäköisesti olemaan 60-vuotiaan Martinin viimeinen, mutta hän ei kuitenkaan sulje pois mahdollisuutta jatkaa soolouraansa vielä joskus. Tämä ei tule vaikuttamaan hänen mahdolliseen työskentelyynsä Black Sabbath -kitaristi Tony Iommin kanssa. Martinin edellinen sooloalbumi on vuonna 2005 julkaistu ”Scream”.

Ex BLACK SABBATH singer TONY MARTIN has confirmed that the making of his long awaited third solo album has begun. Teamed with drummer Danny Needham of Tony Martin’s Headless Cross and Venom, and American guitarist Scott McClellan, Tony says this collection of songs is currently under the working title of THORNZ. It was previously going to be under the moniker BOOK OF SHADOWS but this was dropped because of other works under the same name.

Tony says this is heavier than he has attempted in the past due to the prolific writings of unknown guitarist Scott McClellan who contacted him by chance on social media some 4 years ago. He sent Tony a guitar track to check out and this chance meeting grew into a very productive writing period that has resulted in this solo release for MARTIN. He said ”Scott really surprised me with his energy. I found that I could pull out the riffs that really work for my voice so I was more than happy to have him involved in the ’TONY MARTIN project’.

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The album will have 10 tracks, mostly written by Martin and McClellan and some by Martin alone. Apart from the title track of ’THORNZ’ – the story of a woman struggling with being abused, there is the previously cited ’BOOK OF SHADOWS’ still in the track list along with ’NO SHAME AT ALL’, ’AS THE WORLD BURNS’ and ’DAMNED BY YOU’ amongst others. This promises to open your ears and get your pulse racing. It is missing keyboards completely in favour of guitar based riffs which MARTIN says ”… was hard to lose GEOFF NICHOLLS” and felt he could not attempt to replace that part of the sound.

He says at 60 years old it is likely to be his last solo project but doesn’t rule out future embellishments to his solo career. He added that it would not affect any re connection with SABBATH guitarist TONY IOMMI if and when that happens.

Tony Martin Official TONY MARTIN press release 2017

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