Entinen Bury Your Dead vokalisti avautuu kohtaamastaan rasismista musiikissa
Yhdysvaltalaisen metalcorea soittavan Bury Your Deadin entinen vokalisti Myke Terry on paljastanut Twitterissään saaneensa paljon rasistisia kommentteja ollessaan mukana Bury Your Deadissa. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Myken viestejä asiaan liittyen.
“2013. Still possible to get called a nigger. Hard “er”. out loud. And meaning it. In real life. It’s cool though. I feel bad for people who have to stoop that low. I soldout straightedge with the drummer of PANTERA after he called me a nigger and kissed me on the cheek.
I never really get onto my soapbox but fuck. Enough is enough. Why you gotta be so fucking hateful? My whole career in bury your dead, at least 2 out of 5 messages i received on MySpace everyday read something like this….. “GET YOUR MONKEY NIGGER ASS OFF STAGE AND BACK IN A JUNGLE WHERE YOU BELONG. YOU SUCK. GET OUT OF METAL. BRING THE WHITE GUY BACK”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyImagine me being 24 in Europe on tour. Only black dude on earth. Alone in my bunk reading that. Following my heart gettin hated on all the way.
You know what, my bad. I apologize to all of you for blowing up your twitter feed. I will say this: Coming from a reformed shitty dude: think about your words and your actions. What you do and say don’t affect just only you.
What if that girl calling me a nigger wa the straw to make me go home and blow my brains out because I’ve been dealing my life issues. Then that’s a dad and a mom without a son. A brother, a best friend, somebody’s someone gone forever. Because you got hot in the tongue.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyFor the record. I would never do some wild shit like that. I’ve lost more than one friend to quitting on life and that shit SUCKS
Just saying. Could you reaaaaally handle being to blame for someone snapping? Think about it folks. I love everyone. You should too.”