Entinen Celtic Frostin laulaja Thomas Gabriel Fischer on perustanut uuden bändin: ”Synkkää, groovaavaa, psykedeelistä, välillä kuin Pink Floydia…”

Kirjoittanut Janne Ollikainen - 27.5.2020

Sveitsiläisessä äärimetalliyhtye Celtic Frostissa vaikuttanut laulaja Thomas Gabriel Fischer (Triptykon, Hellhammer) on ilmoittanut perustaneensa uuden bändin. Fischer kertoi uudesta yhtyeestään Metal Wanille. Fischer kertoi yhtyeen perustamisesta:

 ”I used to be in a project called NIRYTH, but me and the drummer, for the same reason that we had to dismiss one person from TRIUMPH OF DEATH — and those are very, very important reasons, crucial reasons, that there was no way around it — and for the same reasons me and the drummer, Pidi Leuenberger, left NIRYTH. But, of course, we have worked for one and a half years on that material. We have recorded it, and we recorded with my own label — we financed that — so I own that material, and it’s very strong material, I believe; it’s some of the best material I’ve ever written. Actually, today we had a major conference call with Nuclear Blast, and we’re gonna change the material slightly and add three new songs and then release it as an album later this year. I feel very strong about this.”

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Fischer kertoo julkistavansa tietoja pian:

”It’s gonna be a different name. We left NIRYTH, and we left it to that person for what it’s worth. We wanted to have a clean start; we didn’t wanna have any bad feelings attached to it. So we formed a new band, and all the details will be made public very soon.”

Uudella yhtyeellä oli äänityssuunnitelmat jo lyöty lukkoon, ja laulajan mukaan studiossa piti olla jo aiemmin keväällä, mutta koronan mukanaan tuomat ongelmat sotkivat aikataulut:

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”We would have done this already and we would have been in the studio already if there hadn’t been a lockdown. We were supposed to have a major recording session in Germany one and a half months ago, and also a photo session. So everything had to be canceled, because everything is international and there was no traveling. So that’s the impact of COVID-19. But we have rescheduled everything, so let’s see.”

Tyylisuunnasta laulaja kertoo:

”It’s very dark music, but it’s not heavy metal. It’s not doom metal or something like that. It’s difficult to describe. It is heavy at times, it’s very groovy, it’s very psychedelic. Sometimes it’s floating almost, like PINK FLOYD. But it is very dark, very melodic, very mesmerizing and hypnotic.”

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