Entinen In Flames-kitaristi uudesta bändistään: ”Nämä kappaleet ovat parhaita, joita olen ikinä kirjoittanut”

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 8.5.2016

jesperströmbladRuotsalainen kitaristi Jesper Strömblad (In Flames, The Resistance, Dimension Zero) kertoo tuoreessa Headbangr-live-haastattelussaan tämänhetkisten projektiensa nykytilasta ja tulevaisuuden suunnitelmista.

Tulevaa sooloalbumiaan ja uuden projektinsa kokopitkää julkaisua hän kommentoi seuraavasti:

”I have a solo album in the pipeline, and I’ve had for quite a while — like, twenty years — but all of a sudden, this other thing happened, so I joined… Well, we formed another band that I can’t tell you so much about, because it’s kind of… It’s not a secret, but it’s very early in the process. So the solo album is coming. And at the moment, we’re writing for this new band, and we will tour, and we will definitely play festivals with this new band. So let’s say that this my new band, this is what I am really, really focusing on, because it turned out to be so good. And I would say that it’s the best songs I’ve ever written, to be humble. What I’m doing now [with] a hundred percent focus is to finish the record with [this] new band and get it signed, get everything.. the shit together, so we can set a timeframe on everything to start recording. And, yeah, I’m feeling good, I’m feeling very creative — much more than in a long, long time. Also because the guys I’m working with right now are giving me so much back, in a way. We have such great chemistry, so it’s really fun for the first time in a long time to record and do this process that I quite didn’t like before.”

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Hän valottaa myös suunnitelmiaan Dimension Zeron odotettua neljättä studioalbumia koskien:

”I have three or four songs in the bag already. It’s a little bit challenging now, I would say, because we… It wasn’t turbulent; it was just… I asked the guys if they wanna do another record. We’re not the most productive band in the world. We did three full-lengths in twenty years, so I asked around if they wanna do another one, but they were busy, basically, and they didn’t wanna do it. So me and Hasse [Hans Nilsson, drums], we said that we… I mean, Dimension Zero will always be around, so we will… I will write all the material, and he will be on drums as usual. I can’t really say that much right now. I am constantly writing the Dimension Zero album when I have time. But when it will be recorded, I have no idea.”

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Strömblad ilmoitti maaliskuussa jättävänsä The Resistancen. Uutisemme aiheesta löydät täältä. In Flamesista hän lähti 2010 jatkaakseen alkoholisminsa hoitoa.