Entinen Megadeth-kitaristi Marty Friedman julkaisee ”Tokyo Jukebox 3” -sooloalbuminsa lokakuussa
Thrash metal -legenda Megadethissa vuodesta 1990 vuoteen 2000 vaikuttanut kitaristi Marty Friedman on kertonut, että hänen ”Tokyo Jukebox 3” -sooloalbuminsa julkaistaan Japanissa 21. päivä lokakuuta. Kitaristin mukaan pian tulee tietoa muun maailman julkaisupäivistä, bonuskappaleista sekä tulevista tapahtumista. Alla olevasta päivityksestä on nähtävillä tulevan julkaisun kansi.
”Alright my friends—today the release of TOKYO JUKEBOX 3 was announced in Japan!This is the album cover-Just like everyone, I’ve had a real tough time dealing with 2020. We all suffered from a massive lack of fun this year, so I made it my mission to make feel-good, serotonin level raising music of the highest order, stuff that will hopefully kick you all in the feels, and hard. Making the album during a pandemic had its hellish challenges, but everyone is facing hardships now, so I was just thankful to have such cathartic work to do.
Guitar fans will notice, and hopefully enjoy, some pretty cool updates to my guitar sounds. I’ve discovered that when you take off all spatial effects like reverbs and delays, your solo expressions can often live and breathe more, and have an urgency and unique attack to them, that I’m really digging.Enough about the album for now…
The Japanese release date is 10/21. The release info for the rest of the world will come soon, as well as bonus track info, events and more.”
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