Entinen Megadethin kitaristi Chris Poland muistelee menehtynyttä bändikaveriaan Nick Menzaa
Yhdysvaltalaisessa Megadethissa vuosina 1984–1987 soittanut kitaristi ja äkillisesti menehtyneen Nick Menzan nykyinen bändikaveri Ohm-nimisestä yhtyeestä Chris Polad on julkaissut oman virallisen muistokirjoituksen liittyen Menzan kuolemaan. Voit lukea kirjoituksen tästä:
”There are no words… just to describe what a great guy he was, let alone his creative ability and amazing talent. Not enough words to describe. Just devastated right now.”
”My wife showed me a photo he just Photoshopped from when he was up north, where he looks like atlas holding up that ring. I mean, that’s the kinda stuff he did just off the top of his head. I honestly think God ran out of ideas and had to have Nick, like, help him out. Because… why else?
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”When I was recently in the hospital, he was on the phone with my wife the whole time, just begging her to make her dinner, asking, ’Can I go get you guys anything? Do you want me to go shopping?’ Who does that? You know, there’s not enough words to describe.”