Entinen Morbid Angel -kitaristi Richard Brunelle on menehtynyt 55-vuotiaana: entiset bändikaverit muistelevat toveriaan

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 2.10.2019

Yhdysvaltalaisen death metal -yhtye Morbid Angelin riveissä vuodesta 1985 vuoteen 1992 asti soittanut kitaristi Richard Brunelle kuoli maanantaina syyskuun 23. päivä. 55-vuotiaan muusikon käly tiedotti suru-uutisesta ja jakoi linkin, jonka kautta miehen omaislle voi jakaa osanotot sekä muistot. Brunellen kuolinsyytä ei ole julkisesti tiedotettu, mutta mies kamppaili huumeriippuvuuden kanssa.

“This is Richie’s sister-in-law. This devastating post is at the request of my husband and his mother. It is with deep regret and sorrow that we inform Richie’s friends and fans that he passed away [on Monday]. Please feel free to visit the link to share memories and condolences. Rest in peace, Richie. You were so loved and will be forever missed.”

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Morbid Angelissa soittanut rumpali Pete Sandoval muisteli bändikaveriaan seuraavasti:

“This is really sad! So many great memories we shared together that I’ll never forget, hope and wish you are in a better place. My condolences to his family.

I just received an email of his family letting me know about this sad news, please, a little respect guys, don’t ask me the cause of death or something like that, does it matter? he just passed away and that’s sad. Thanks”

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Yhtyeessä toiminut rumpali-laulaja Mike Browning jakoi myös ajatuksensa:

“I am beyond devastated and shocked about Richard Brunelle passing away on Monday. As of right now I only know that it happened on Monday and I had talked to him just this month.

Here are a couple pictures from when Richard played his first show with Morbid Angel in 1985, we have always managed to stay friends over all these years and he was always a friend to me since 1985 and at least we managed to make the album that started it all back in 1986.

I had always hoped that one day Richard, Trey and I would at least get together one more time to jam, even if it was only in the back room of my house, it was then and still would have been pure Magick!

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Please do not ask me what happened because I only know what everyone else knows right now.”