Entinen Nightragen laulaja Antony Hämäläinen paljastaa hakeneensa Fear Factoryn laulajan pestiä: väittää uuden laulajan olevan italialainen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.2.2022

Yhdysvaltalainen industrial metal -yhtye Fear Factory on julkistamassa uuden laulajansa kevään 2022 aikana julkaisemalla samalla myös uuden singlen. Ruotsalaisessa melodista death metallia soittavassa Nightragessa vuosien 2007-2013 välisen ajan laulanut Antony Hämäläinen on paljastanut tuoreessa Rock Talksin haastattelussa hakeneensa Fear Factoryn laulajan pestiä mutta ei pestiin tullut lopulta valituksi. Hämäläinen väitti haastattelussa tietävänsä kuka bändin uusi laulaja on ja kertoi uuden laulajan olevan italiasta kotoisin. Hän kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

”So I already know it’s gonna be. But it’s not me. So that’s the thing — I know it’s not me. That’s the unfortunate part. I know it’s not me.”

”I’ll say this: it’s a person from Italy. And there was a girl involved [who auditioned as well, but didn’t get the gig]. That rumor is true. People will know who that is. She’s in a band with somebody who’s a well-known producer/musician. I won’t say who it is because it’s not fair to do.

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”But I feel — here’s what I feel: the Italian person who got the job, I believe that there’s better people than both of us out there, personally,” he continued. ”That’s what I think. But I believe that there’s people that were better than that, and me, that I heard. And I think maybe because they don’t have the touring experience, and they’re just YouTube people, maybe that’s the reason why [they weren’t chosen]. But there were some really good fucking people out there — better than what I did.

”Hopefully people like what I did — that’s cool if they do — but there were some really good fucking choices out there. If the dude from Italy ends up being the dude, then all right; that’s cool.”

Hämäläinen kertoi haastattelussa olleensa aina suuri Fear Factoryn fani ja hakeneensa sen vuoksi laulajan paikkaa. Hän kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

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”So if I would have got the job, I’d go up there and fucking windmill every night. You know what I mean?” he said. ”It would have been incredible. But I know I’m not the guy. And it’s okay. But I wouldn’t say who the dude is because I don’t wanna fuck the shit up.

”People can judge from themselves. I think there’ll be people who will like that guy and not like Burton. There’ll be people who like what I did and not like that guy. There’s always somebody with a fucking opinion.”