Entinen Of Mice & Men -solisti Austin Carlile jälleen sairaalaan
Metalcore-yhtye Of Mice & Menin laulajana toiminut Austin Carlile on joutunut jälleen sairaalaan huonon terveydentilansa vuoksi. Vaikeasta Marfanin syndroomasta kärsivä laulaja kertoo Instagram-julkaisussaan, että hänen aivoihin alkoi vuotaa selkäydinnestettä, mistä johtuen lääkärit joutuivat ensin paikantamaan vuodon ja sitten tukkimaan sen. Carlile kirjoittaa:
”Down to only two IVs in my arms! (Have had over 30 ’pokes’ this week alone haha.) Because of my extensive medical experiences over my life my veins are extremely hard to find, get blood, or even keep a line in, because they rupture so easily or just won’t take a poke at all. My most crucial areas for contrast lines, IVs, or even the dreaded blood draws every 4 hours, are all hardened with scar tissue. Many times I have to resort to lines in my feet or neck or ultrasound. Add a connective tissue disorder like Marfans Syndrome to the mix? Nightmare.”
”For many that battle with chronic illness this is just another walk in the park; another hill to climb. It is frustrating at times but I am at peace. Words cannot express, you will never truly understand how much it means to me that all of you have stood by my side even when these same health issues took me from [Of] Mice [& Men]. This small bout came out of nowhere and I will leave it behind just as quickly. God has been working immensely in my life and I have been working on new things that I’ve poured my entire heart into and cannot wait to share them with you. One step at a time. Grateful.”
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