Entiseltä Black Sabbathin laulajalta Tony Martinilta uusi sooloalbumi tammikuussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.9.2021

Englantilaisen rockin legendan Black Sabbathin laulajana vuosien 1987-1991 sekä 1993-1996 välisenä aikana laulanut Tony Martin julkaisee ”Thorns”-nimisen sooloalbumin tammikuun 14. päivä Battlegod Productionsin kautta. Tony Martin kertoo tuoreessa lehdistötiedotteessa tulevasta sooloalbumistaan, joka on miehen ensimmäinen yli 16 vuoteen:

“This new album is probably the most ’Tony Martin’ a Tony Martin album has ever sounded!! It’s got several surprises that will lift people’s eyebrows I am sure. Largely, but not entirely based around the riffs of Scott McClellan, new to the world scene he has proved to be a worthy partner in crime for this release… I was able to make some great songs out of the riffs he was coming up with which is very similar in the writing sense to that which I experienced with Tony Iommi. Different sound and style but the riffing talent that someone like Scott has is very cool.

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It is diverse, melodic, powerful, thought provoking and of a standard high as ever i have worked on. I believe there are stories still to tell, songs still to be sung and with this album I feel it’s achieved everything I could have wished for.

Grateful to the people who have given their extra talents in appearances on this recording, it’s been a challenge in COVID lockdown, getting everyone’s performances from across the world, but in another way it was a perfect opportunity to get it done.”

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1. As The World Burns
2. Black Widow Angel
3. Book Of Shadows
4. Crying Wolf
5. Damned By You
6. No Shame At All
7. No Where To Fly
8. Passion Killer
9. Run Like The Devil
10. This Is Your Damnation
11. Thorns