Entiseltä Guns N´ Roses kitaristilta DJ Ashbalta tulevaisuuden aluevaltaus: lanseerasi oman veden

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 7.5.2017

Entinen Guns N´ Rosesin sekä nykyisin Sixx A.M. -yhtyeessä vaikuttava kitaristi DJ Ashba on tehnyt uuden aluevaltauksen julkaisemalla oman Ashba Water -nimisen lähdeveden. Mies on kertonut aiheesta seuraavaa:

”Everybody keeps asking me, ’Why water?’ For many, many years, I’ve been wanting to do an alcohol or… like a vodka or a tequila… And I was actually in my clothing store at the Stratosphere [in Las Vegas] designing a vodka bottle, and a kid came in and asked if we had some water. And he left. Probably thirty minutes later, somebody else came in asking if we carried water. And a third person walked in [asking for water]. And I just sat there and I go, ’You know what? Why am I not doing water?’ Because everybody can buy water. And, to be honest, there’s very few really good good-tasting waters out there. So we did an extensive amount of research, found the best bottling company we could possibly find, and that was it. And we went to work. So it is awesome. And it’s really fucking killer quality — 21-gram plastic bottles, so it’s not the kind where you open it up and shit goes all over the place.”

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Posted by ASHBA Water on Thursday, April 20, 2017



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Coming soon! #ASHBAWATER

Posted by Dj ASHBA on Thursday, April 20, 2017