Entisen Asking Alexandrian laulajan Denis Stoffin luotsaamalta Drag Me Outilta uusi kappale ”Crystal Arms”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.5.2022

Englantilaisessa metalcore-yhtye Asking Alexandriassa aiemmin vaikuttanut laulaja Denis Stoff on julkaisemassa Drag Me Out -yhtyeensä kanssa uuden albumin nimeltä ”Demons Away” elokuun 26. päivä Lödereih Musicin kautta. Yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta on nyt julkaistu video ”Crystal Arms” -kappaleen osalta, ja Denis Stoff kertoo tiedotteessa kappaleesta seuraavaa:

”’Crystal Arms’ is about fighting your biggest enemy and this time it was something that resided inside of me for years. It wouldn’t let me breathe, sleep, feel, live, love. This song was an ultimate cure for the itch that swallowed me. Sometimes all sorts of sh*t like depression and anxiety just finds you and start haunting you, and you just need to find your way out. I found mine through this song. I hope it will help more people who are currently suffocation under their own skin.”

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Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen
Mainos päättyy

Tulevasta ”Demons Away” -albumista Stoff kertoo puolestaan seuraavaa:

“It is soaked in the paranormal vibes. Your spiritual journey begins here and now. Our main purpose is to shed the light on the things that really make you feel bad, anxious, weak or wrong. It is our call for you to face the pain and explore it at its energetic core as the truth lies deeper than it might seem. My demons truly showed me that they are in fact always standing somewhere in between my perception of life and the ultimate truth about our world.”


Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen
Mainos päättyy
  1. Crystal Arms
  2. With A Thunder We Rise
  3. Blind & Blurred
  4. Bullets In My Teeth
  5. Cuz It‘s Meant To Be
  6. I Swear I‘m Not OK
  7. Hymn For The Wicked
  8. Let Me In
  9. My Mistakes
  10. No Feelings
  11. The Watch Of The Buried
  12. Save My Life