Entisiltä Obscura jäseniltä uusi yhtye Alkaloid
Saksalaisen teknistä death metallia soittavan Obscuran entinen rumpali Hannes Grossmann on päättänyt perustaa yhdessä Christian Muenznerin (kitara) (Ex-Obscura / Necrophagist, Spawn Of Possession) Danny Tunkerin (kitara) (Aborted, Ex-God Dethroned), Linus Klausenitzerin (basisti) (Obscura) kanssa uuden yhtyeen, joka on saanut nimekseen Alkaloid. Yhtyeen vokalistiksi on valikoitunut pitkän harkinnan jälkeen Florian Magnus Maier aka. Morean, joka on tunnettu työskentelystään niin Devin Townsendin, Paradise Lostin kuin Dark Fortressin kanssa. Yhtye on juuri siirtynyt studioon nauhoittamaan debyyttialbumiaan, joka tullaan julkaisemaan myöhemmin tänä vuonna. Kyseiseen yhtyeeseen voit käydä tutustumassa paremmin heidän Facebook -sivuillaan. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Hannes Grossmannin viesti yhtyeeseen liittyen.
”As sad as things have turned out with OBSCURA, I’m really happy that the songs Christian Muenzner and I had initially written for their next record will find a new home in ALKALOID. However, I don’t see ALKALOID as a ”tech-death” band, because we just aren’t. The music is definitely prog, but in terms of dynamics, song structures, harmonics and rhythms, it’s just too diverse to be put into a small sub-genre.
The band was brought to life in 2012 by myself and Florian Magnus Maier, who is by far the best composer I ever worked with. His band NONEUCLID had a big impact on the last OBSCURA record ’Omnivium’, on which I contributed the vast majority of the music and arranged all the songs. Generally this is the sort of music we would like to continue with ALKALOID, but make it sound more colorful, more vibrant and way catchier. I’m also happy to have some of my dearest friends on board, such as Christian Muenzner – we make music together for more than 10 years- and Linus Klausenitzer, who is one of my favorite bass players and did a great job on my solo record ”The Radial Covenant”. Last but not least, we have Danny Tunker as third guitar player, who is just one of the best players I’ve ever seen. Once we toured with him – he was playing for SPAWN OF POSSESSION – I saw him learning two OBSCURA songs in about an hour, playing them flawless. Never seen a talent like him before.”
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