Entistä Judas Priest -kitaristia ei kaduta bändistä lähteminen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.10.2014

Judas PriestEnglantilaisen heavy metallia soittavan Judas Priestin entinen kitaristi KK Downing on antanut hiljattain haastattelun DigitalJournal.com:lle, jossa kertoo yhä olevansa tyytyväinen lähtöönsä yhtyeestä. Voit lukea KK Downingin mietteet lähtöönsä liittyen tästä:

”I felt that a lot of the spark wasn’t there — for whatever reason — anymore on stage. I felt that I had it, but I felt it wasn’t what I originally signed up for…

”I always thought that JUDAS PRIEST should have been a high-energy outfit and ultra-sharp, but I wasn’t enjoying it as much on stage as I should have been.

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”All that travelling and living out of a suitcase and spending so much time in planes, vans, cars and trains, you have to really enjoy the concerts. You have to musically get on a high and that carries you through, but if you’re not enjoying it like you should, then it becomes a lot of hard work because you’ve still got to do the interviews and be pushed and pulled around the place.”

Asked if he has ever regretted his decision to leave, Downing said: ”I don’t regret leaving, because, to me, I thought that it had run its course. I miss what we had, but I don’t particularly miss what we had become when I left… You can look at YouTube and see JUDAS PRIEST playing at the US Festival, or at Live Aid, and I miss being at the pinnacle of the band. I miss that energy and youthfulness and just delivering all of that up.

”You become a certain age and I think that I would have been happy if, as I said, I was enjoying the shows. There’s disagreements with how things should be done and I thought if I’m outnumbered, then it’s time to go…

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”But I suppose we did fantastically well. I mean 40 years is great and I commend the guys for going back out. I was just watching a bit of their first concert of the tour in Rochester, New York, and it was great. Band sounded good and I’m happy that they continue.

”I sent an email saying ’good luck with the new tour, guys’ to the management office. I do wish them well and I commend them highly for being out there and carrying on the legacy.”