Entisten Megadeth -jäsenten uusi yhtye sai vihdoin nimen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.2.2015

Act Of Defiance 2015Yhdysvaltalaisesta thrash metal -legenda Megadethista hiljattain eronneet kitaristi Chris Broderick sekä rumpali Shawn Drover ovat antaneet uuden yhtyeensä nimeksi Act Of Defiance. Yhtye on siirtynyt hiljattain studioon yhdessä tuottaja Zeussin (Rob Zombie, Hatebreed) kanssa nauhoittamaan debyyttialbumiaan, joka tullaan julkaisemaan vuoden 2015 kesällä. Voit lukea Chris Broderickin viestin bändiin liittyen sekä katsoa pienen trailerin bändiltä tästä:

“I am so excited to finally be able to announce Act Of Defiance to the world. Shawn just finished tracking drums the first week of February and his performance and tones are simply incredible. I have started tracking rhythms and leads, as well as working with Henry to get final vocal takes while Matt will record bass at his studio. The final mix and mastering will also be handled by Zeuss.

I am also very honored to announce that we have signed with Metal Blade Records. There is not a better label to be on than one where the employees (and owner) still understand and listen to METAL! They have shown a loyalty, backing and drive for their artists that few other labels have. As for our music, I am really enjoying the ability to create what is a killer mix of thrash and modern metal.

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It has a unique combination ranging from thrash to classical influences. I am very proud of what we have written and hope that you all dig it.”