Ereb Altor © Jens Rydén

Ereb Altor sopimukseen Hammerheart Recordsin kanssa: uusi albumi luvassa heinäkuussa

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 26.4.2017
Ereb Altor © Jens Rydén

Ruotsalainen eeppistä metallia sittava Ereb Altor on solminut sopimuksen Hammerheart Recordsin kanssa. Yhtyeen seuraavan albumin nimeksi on asetettu ”Ulfven” ja sitä kaavaillaan julkaistavaksi heinäkuun aikana. Yhtye tiedottaa:

The next chapter is about to begin with our new album ”Ulfven” in 2017 and a new label. We will spread the Scandinavian darkness once again. This time we will use our mother language on several songs and seamlessly unite Black Metal and Epic Viking Metal.
Keeping the flame of Scandinavian Metal alive!

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Hammerheart Records proudly announces the signing of Ereb Altor!

Returning to the label’s roots by working with epic pagan/viking metal Ereb Altor, that is the best way to announce this co-operation!

Ereb Altor has earned a big reputation through their career for being right there at the front of epic metal, with pagan/viking elements added, sounding like the true son of Bathory’s most epic side.

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This July the new album “Ulfven” will be released on several formats.