Erik Rutan julkaisi virallisen tiedotteen liittymisestään Cannibal Corpseen: kertoo silti aikovansa jatkaa myös Hate Eternalin riveissä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 3.2.2021

Yhdysvaltalainen death metal -legenda Cannibal Corpse on julkaisemassa seuraavan, ”Violence Unimagined” -nimisen albuminsa huhtikuun 16. päivä Metal Blade Recordsin kautta. Bändiin viralliseksi jäseneksi Pat O’Brienin tilalle nimetty ja Hate Eternalista tunnettu Erik Rutan on nyt julkaissut virallisen tiedotteen liittyen bändiin liittymiseensä. Tiedotteessa Rutan kertoo olevansa innostunut tuoreesta pestistään, mutta liputtaa silti aikovansa jatkaa soittamista myös perustamassaan Hate Eternal -yhtyeessä. Voit lukea Rutanin tiedotteen aiheesta tästä:

“I felt it very important to personally share some big news with all of you today…. I am officially joining Cannibal Corpse! I am super excited and honored and honestly it still seems a bit surreal. Cannibal Corpse has been a big part of my life and career having listened to them for over 30 years, produced 5 albums with them, done many many tours together and having decades of friendships with everyone involved.

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Anyone that knows me knows that I will give everything I have to being the best I can be with CC. For the new album ’Violence Unimagined’ I contributed and wrote 3 songs of music and lyrics as well as playing guitar, producing and mixing it at Mana Recording. I am very very proud of what we achieved together.

I have been sitting here today reflecting on my life and career and the journey to get here. 30 years ago I was recording my first album with Ripping Corpse at 19 years of age, then onto Morbid Angel, then starting and continuing with Hate Eternal and Mana Recording and now Cannibal Corpse. I feel so grateful to have been and still continue to be a part of this music that I feel so passionate about and embrace.

Hate Eternal will absolutely continue on.. JJ, Johnny and I look forward to recording another unrelenting Hate Eternal album in the future when the time is right. As many people know I have always done multiple things in my career and I plan on continuing that starting with Cannibal Corpse as well as Hate Eternal, Mana Recording, producing and other musical endeavors when time allows.

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We will have some other great HE news to share in the near future and look forward to continuing down the path I have been a part of for decades. Hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy and excited to what the future shall behold! Thank you all for your unwavering and undying support. It means the world to me. Eternal Gratitude… RUTAN“

Voit kuunnella Cannibal Corpsen tulevalta albumilta ensimmäisen singlen nimeltä ”Inhumane Harvest” tästä:

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1. “Murderous Rampage”
2. “Necrogenic Resurrection”
3. “Inhumane Harvest”
4. “Comdenation Contagion”
5. “Surround, Kill, Devour”
6. “Ritual Annihilation”
7. “Follow the Blood”
8. “Bound and Burned”
9. “Slowly Sawn”
10. “Overtorture”
11. “Cerements of the Flayed”