Glastonbury 2019 (Kuva: Andrew Allcock)

Erittäin ikäviä uutisia: Glastonbury Festival perutaan kesältä koronaviruksen takia toistamiseen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 21.1.2021
Glastonbury 2019 (Kuva: Andrew Allcock)

Englannissa jo 50 vuotta järjestetty Glastonbury Festival on ilmoittanut, että koronaviruksen takia festivaalia ei järjestetä tänä kesänä ollenkaan. Tämä on toinen vuosi peräkkäin, kun festivaali peruuntuu. Voit lukea festivaalin virallisen tiedotteen aiheesta tästä:

”With great regret, we must announce that this year’s Glastonbury Festival will not take place, and that this will be another enforced fallow year for us.

In spite of our efforts to move Heaven & Earth, it has become clear that we simply will not be able to make the Festival happen this year. We are so sorry to let you all down.

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As with last year, we would like to offer all those who secured a ticket in October 2019 the opportunity to roll their £50 deposit over to next year, and guarantee the chance to buy a ticket for Glastonbury 2022. We are very appreciative of the faith and trust placed in us by those of you with deposits, and we are very confident we can deliver something really special for us all in 2022!

We thank you for your incredible continued support and let’s look forward to better times ahead.

With love,

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Michael & Emily”