ESP Guitars näpäytti nerokkaasti Linkin Parkkia: ”ESP Guitars ei onneksi ole mukana Linkin Parkin tulevalla albumilla”
Yhdysvaltalainen modernin rockin jättiläinen Linkin Park julkaisee toukokuun 19. päivä uuden ”One More Light” -nimisen albuminsa. Yhtyeessä räppäävä Mike Shinoda on antanut albumista haastattelun All Things Loudille, jossa on erehtynyt vertailemaan yhtyeen uuden levyn soundia ESP:n kitaroihin:
”Just hearing any song, like Heavy, is just one piece of the whole. That said, though, if the only thing you want to listen to is ESP guitars through a rectifier amp then this is not the album for you. Come to a show, though, because there are songs in the set which are for you! This is not your album, though.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
ESP huomasi Mike Shinodan kommentit ja julkaisi oman nerokkaan vastauksensa näpäyttämällä bändiä ja toteamalla että onneksi ESP:n kitaroita ei albumilla käytetty. Voit lukea vastauksen tästä:
”We all thought, ”Wow, that’s a really bizarre thing to say! What does that even mean?” But then we looked at the context of the interview itself, where Shinoda was explaining the differences between Linkin Park’s new lighter, poppier sound and the expectations of their fans who enjoyed their previously guitar-driven music. He stated, ”Just hearing any song, like Heavy, is just one piece of the whole. That said, though, if the only thing you want to listen to is ESP guitars through a rectifier amp then this is not the album for you. Come to a show, though, because there are songs in the set which are for you! This is not your album, though.”
Okay, fair enough. Once we realized what was being said, which was that ESP Guitars is the iconic representation of the powerful sound of heavy music, and that was exactly what people shouldn’t expect from the new Linkin Park album, we got it. And then we checked out one of the songs from this album, and… yes. Yes indeed. Mike is correct; that is not the sound of ESP Guitars. Most definitely not.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyySo, in short, ESP is pleased to announce we won’t be on the new Linkin Park album, though of course we wish them the best in their ongoing endeavors.”
Voitte muodostaa oman mielipiteenne väittelystä kuuntelemalla kaksi kappaletta bändin tulevalta albumilta tästä: