Eths julkaisi uuden kappaleen tulevalta albumiltaan
Ranskalainen metalcorea soittava Eths julkaisee uuden albuminsa nimeltä ”Ankaa” huhtikuun 22. päivä Season Of Mist Recordsin kautta. Yhtye on nyt julkaissut albumilta kuunneltavaksi kappaleen nimeltä ”Kumari Kandam” ja voit kuunnella tuon kappaleen tästä:
Yhtyeen kitaristi Staif Bihl on kommentoinut kappaletta seuraavasti:
”I am glad to introduce a third new track from our forthcoming album. The lyrics of ’Kumari Kandam’ were written by me with the help of my friend Faustine Berardo (LA NÉBULEUSE D’HIMA), who is also singing some parts of this song together with Sarah Layssac of ARKAN. Kumari Kandam is a legendary continent that is said to be lying at the bottom of the sea south of the Indian subcontinent. The lyrics deal with human civilizations, and how they vanished due to force of nature or just of their own doing – as a warning for future generations. Of course, this story also applies to our own civilization, which seems to be working as hard as possible speed up its own downfall.”
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