Eurooppalaiset promoottorit etsivät rahojaan Misfitsin peruuntuneen kiertueen jäljiltä

Kirjoittanut Jyri Kinnari - 14.7.2016

misfitsEurooppalaiset promoottorit ovat ryhtyneet yhteistyöhön saadakseen rahansa takaisin Misfitsin Euroopan kiertueen peruunnuttua. Misfitsin oli tarkoitus soittaa muutamia Euroopan keikkoja elokuussa. Keikoista sovittiin loppuvuodesta 2015. Toukokuun 11. päivänä kiertueen kerrottiin peruuntuneen peruuntuneen perheen sisäisen hätätilanteen takia. Heti seuraavana päivänä kuitenkin ilmoitettiin Misfitsin legendaarisen kokoonpanon paluusta kahden keikan ajaksi. Osa promoottoreista sai tiedon kiertueen peruuntumisesta vasta internetin välityksellä, eikä heille ikinä tullut henkilökohtaista ilmoitusta asiasta. Ilmeisesti promoottorit eivät myöskään saaneet rahojaan rakaisin Misfitsin agentilta Chuck Bernalilta, eivätkä ole saaneet tähän päivään mennessä. Sen sijaan he ovat saaneet vain selittelyitä selittelyiden perään. Promoottorit ovat yhteistyössä kirjoittaneen alla olevan tekstin yrittäen saada asian yhtyeen jäsenten tietoon.

The following text is written, published and approved by Rockstadt Extreme
Fest (represented by Asociatia Culturala REF – Romania), Loud Events
(Bulgaria), Associazione arte & arte (Italy), A La Carga Producciones S.L.
(Spain) and Cieszanow Rock Festival (Poland) represented by Centrum
Kultury i Sportu w Cieszanowie).

To the international media and public, we would like to bring to your
attention a difficult and unpreceeded situation, in regards to the band
MISFITS and their official booking agent, Chuck Bernal, representing
Artists Worldwide (, currently residing in the
city of Los Angeles.

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As some may be aware, THE MISFITS were supposed to perform a handful of
shows in Europe, sheduled for August, taking place in Romania, Bulgaria,
Italy, Poland, Ukraine and Spain. Some of these shows were booked from
late 2015.

On the night of the 11th of May, the promoters received word that these
European shows were cancelled due to a family emergency. Coincidence or
not, the next day it was announced that the band will be reuniting in
their classic line-up, alongside DANZIG for 2 shows sheduled in September
on US soil. Howerever – for example – the romanian promoter of Rockstadt
Extreme Fest found out about the cancellation online, due to this specific
news, never receiving a mail from the agency.

Standard procedures in such cases of a cancellation due to the band imply
that the agency will wire back the cash deposits received as advances for
the performance. This was not the case, although Mr Bernal assured
everybody that this will happen.

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For over two months, every promoter tried to recuperate these deposits,
significant amounts of cash wired as deposits for the shows. What we
received individualy were delays over delays, promises that were not held,
with absolutely no explanation to why the money is missing or when these
deposits will be wired. Of course, we have documents proving all mentioned
above. And they had all our bank account details, but kept asking as an
excuse to delay the process.

Later did we found out that every promoter is in the exact same situation
and received the exact same explanation. Or to say, no explanation. Thus,
we started working together to reach a diplomatic solution, dozens of
mails were sent, numerous calls were made on a daily basis.

We are not sure that the band is aware of this situation, as we have tried
to contact whatever public source we found available, but with no success
until now.

To this day, Mr. Bernal keeps delaying the process, even sending documents
that he states are proof of the wirement, but upon careful legal
inspection, these documents don’t stand as proof of any wirement. This is
a false and illegal document. To be fair, such a document was sent only
when sending numerous mails and calls, also explaining that if the
situation will not get resolved, we will have no other choice than to go

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Through this release, our intention is to spread the information about our
situation and hopefully get this statement to someone in the band or the
management to shed some light on what’s going on, that is if they know
about the actions of Mr Bernal and his collegues at Artists Worldwide.
Also, we hope this will serve as a warning for future actions conducted by
this misleading character known as Chuck Bernal.

We are asking anyone who supports our initiative to spread the information
stated above in the hopes that someone from The Misfits will react to the
current situation and shed some light. Also, we believe it is in
everyone’s interest to spread the word about Artists Worldwide and their

Firstly, we are fans of music, passion is what drives us everyday to work
in the benefit of music and artists and we consider ourselved professional
and diplomatic entities. But to be fair and completely honest, this
situation has gone to far and we can no longer tolerate such actions.

If anyone from the media or the band would like to contact us, our contact
info is listed below.

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We thank you for your attention and interest.

Rockstadt Extreme Fest:
Loud events:
Associazione arte & arte:
A La Carga Producciones S.L.:
Cieszanow Rock Festival: