Europe aloittaa seuraavan albuminsa nauhoitukset alkuvuodesta 2017

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 29.7.2016

Europe Pakkahuone 3Planet Rock haastatteli hiljattain ruotsalaisen Europen laulaja Joey Tempestia ja rumpali Ian Hauglundia backstagella yhtyeen 23.7. Maidstonessa Englannissa soittaman keikan yhteydessä. Tempest kertoi yhtyeen suunnitelmista tuleville kuukausille:

”We’re looking forward to recording the next album. We’ll probably go into the studio the beginning of next year and release it next year. And we’ll be touring in between as well.”

Kysyttäessä miten Europe selvisi grungen nousun 90-luvulla toisin kuin moni 80-luvun hard rock -yhtye, hän vastasi:

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”You have to take the long way around. The first meeting [about a reunion] we had at Mic’s [Michaeli, keyboards] apartment in 2003, we said, ’We have so much baggage, so much stigma. C’mon. We have to take the long way around. It’s gonna take four albums, perhaps, before maybe some journalists are even listening to the records.’ So we knew that; we knew it from the beginning. But this is what we wanna do. We wanna do it long haul, like DEEP PURPLE or whatever; we wanna do it. So that’s one way of doing it. But also being curious about writing and about getting better at your instrument and not get caught up in trying to get hit singles; that’s kind of dangerous. And just make great records. I thnk it started with [2009’s] ’Last Look At Eden’; we started to get a grip on things. And then [2012’s] ’Bag Of Bones’ did really well, and now [2015’s] ’War Of Kings’.”

Hauglund jatkoi:

”I think also one of the reasons why we managed to come back was that we actually took a break in the ’90s; we said, ’Okay, enough’s enough.’ So we never grinded the band down to…”

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Tempest kommentoi:

”We did solo albums. I did three solo albums. Ian played on loads of albums. John Norum moved to L.A. and did albums with DOKKEN and himself. So we learned stuff in other ways about music. And then we came back, and it felt like we’d just been away for lunch. We did ’Start From The Dark’ in 2004.”

Hän kommentoi myös ”Final Countdown” -albumin 30-vuotisjuhlavuoden juhlistamista loppuvuodesta soitettavalla kiertueella:

”We wanna mark it. It’s gonna be fun to play songs like ’Time Has Come’ and play the whole ’The Final Countdown’ album. It’s gonna be kind of different.”

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