Eurovision Song Contestin voittaneelta Måneskinilta rivo uusi kappale ”Mammamia”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.10.2021

Italialainen Euroviisut voittanut rockyhtye Måneskin on julkaissut tänään uutta musiikkia ”Mammamia” -nimisen kappaleen muodossa. Yhtyeen uusi kappale on saanut innoitteensa juoruista ja huhuista, jotka seurasivat bändiä kansainvälisen läpimurron myötä.

Yhtyeen laulaja Damiano David kertoo bändin rivosta kappaleesta seuraavaa:

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“After Eurovision, we had a lot of attention on us. A lot of the time, we did something that we thought was great but people criticised it. I wanted to translate that into the lyrics, because it happens a lot – maybe you’re doing something that you feel is great, but people don’t understand it and make bad judgements and bad comments about it. I wanted to make fun of that situation.

“The chorus is more about people’s sex lives, but it has the same message. It’s how people see what you’re doing and how your impression is different to their impression.”

“We only had a few days to go to the studio and write new music, but fortunately this song came out in a few hours – that’s why we felt like it was going to be a banger for us.”

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Yhtyeen basisti Victoria de Angelis lisää:

“We didn’t take it too seriously. It’s a very silly, careless song and we’ve never done something like that before. It came together very naturally. We just tried to have fun and enjoy it, because [it was written] in a moment where we were experiencing a lot of things.”

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