Evan Rachel Wood: Marilyn Manson pahoinpiteli minua useiden vuosien ajan suhteemme aikana

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 1.2.2021

Julkaisimme sivustollamme viime vuoden marraskuussa uutisen, jossa kerroimme yhdysvaltalaisen kauhurokkari Marilyn Mansonin lopettaneen puhelinhaastattelun Metal Hammerin toimittajan kanssa tämän kysyttyä Mansonilta tämän entisestä puolisosta, Evan Rachel Woodista, joka paljasti vuonna 2018 ja 2019 #metoo-kampanjan yhteydessä erään entisen poikaystävänsä pahoinpidelleen häntä myöhäisessä teini-iässä.

Mansonin englantilainen pr-firma julkaisi pian tämän jälkeen Evan Rachel Woodiin liittyen virallisen tiedotteen, jossa kauhurokkari kiistää pahoinpidelleensä tätä parin seurustelun aikana. Julkaistu viesti oli seuraava:

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“Personal testimony is just that, and we think it’s inappropriate to comment on that.

You then go on to talk about Manson being accused of ‘terrible things’ by unnamed ‘critics’ but offer no guidance on who these critics are and what these things are, so it’s not possible to comment.

You then mention Mickey Rourke. It is my understanding that Evan Rachel Wood dated multiple people around the time she was dating Manson. Basic internet research will give you a host of other names that have not come up in any of our discussions.

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Your next couple of points deal with comments Manson made in Spin magazine in 2009. Your confusion around the timeline of this is extremely worrying. [Editor’s note: there is no confusion around this timeline.] The comments in Spin where Manson had a fantasy of using a sledgehammer on Evan and he cut himself 158 times was obviously a theatrical rock star interview promoting a new record, and not a factual account. The fact that Evan and Manson got engaged six months after this interview would indicate that no one took this story literally.

You go on to talk about Manson commenting on sexual harassment, Me Too and specifically the experiences of his ex partner Rose McGowan. These are all issues that Manson has publicly addressed and are available online. Please see Channel 4 interview from 15th December 2017.

Manson has never shied away from public comment – equally he does not have to make the same comment twice.

There will be no further comment on specific songs. Your journalist had the opportunity to ask Manson about his music – one of only two interviews granted in the UK – and he chose not to. Trying to weave one section of one song from an artist with a 30 plus year career to fit a narrative is both disingenuous and troublesome.

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You mention Manson’s ex fiancée Rose McGowan in your questions. Rose is one of the bravest and most outspoken figureheads of the Me Too movement. Manson remains friends with McGowan and she talks very fondly of their three a half years together. There are multiple sources worldwide. I link to a Washington Post article on McGowan’s memoir Brave.

You fail to mention Manson’s ex-wife Dita Von Teese, who remains good friends with Manson. Quoting from a Female First article published in 2018, ‘Dita admits she has been ‘lucky’ to avoid any abusive episodes in the entertainment industry in her career.’

There are also numerous articles over multiple years where Evan Rachel Wood speaks very positively about her relationship with Manson. In NetAPorters.com’s The Edit: ‘I wouldn’t trade any of [our relationship],’ Wood told the mag. ‘I appreciate everything he taught me. I just don’t think we were right for each other.’

Finally you talk about death threats. Manson knows all about those – he has had many. He has spent his career being blamed for everything from Columbine to teenage suicide. Unfortunately, we live in a time where people believe what they read on the Internet, and feel free to say what they want with no actual evidence. The effects can be catastrophic and promoting non fact based information is wholly irresponsible. All we can try and do, as the media and individuals, is to use facts and truth and not hide behind gossip and conjecture to further our own agendas.”

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Nyt Evan Rachel Wood on astunut aiheesta julkisuuteen ja myöntänyt naista pahoinpidelleen entisen poikaystävän olleen nimen omaan Brian Warner eli Marilyn Manson. Voit lukea Evan Rachel Woodin julkaiseman tiedotteen aiheesta tästä:
