Evanescence aikoo soittaa striimikeikan lokakuussa: ”Selvittelemme parhaillaan sen mahdollisuutta”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 24.9.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen rockyhtye Evanescence aikoo soittaa oman striimikeikan lokakuun aikana. Yhtyeen laulaja Amy Lee on vahvistanut asian tuoreessa MSNBC:n Way Too Early -ohjelmalle antamassaan haastattelussa ja kertonut bändin suunnitelmista seuraavaa:

”We have to put that together still, but we’re going to find a way to do something.

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This whole year has been all about finding a new way to do what we usually do. It’s a challenge, but we’ve really enjoyed finding a way to get through and connect with people, even though we have to be home and do things differently. So we’re gonna make some kind of a virtual performance from home with the whole band from all the world, actually — we have people all over the country, and one bandmember in Germany.

So, yeah, it’ll be cool to be able to just do something for people and inspire people, hopefully, through that music.”

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